Sunday, May 4, 2014
Adverting is Over the Top
I feel like advertising is over the top its just to much nowadays its everywhere. If you go on Youtube and try to watch something theirs commercials everywhere in some you can skip in other your forced to watch a good 30 sec and it get annoying. Not only is it in youtube its also on demand in cable providers like verizon and comcast you can't even skip them anymore your forced to watch them. And if you go online you have to watch commercials to it become to much in my opinion I would love a lot less commercials.
Why is Advertising so important ??
Advertising is very important especially if your trying to persuade someone to do something or buy something. Hollywood does a good job advertising people and getting people to buy something every time you watch a tv show take a good look and see those electronic or clothes that are being displayed by the leading actors.
Why Are PRs so Important ??
In todays society, Public Relation specialist are very important for one simple reason they make people look good. As I have said before PRs most important task is to clear those rumors and keep a good image of that person or company they work for. Today the demand for PRs keeps growing and Washington DC is actually a good place to be at if your planning to major in Public relation.
Monday, April 28, 2014
What is Advertising ?
Ive become really interested in Advertising so I decided to write a little about it first of all what is advertising? and its a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. Literally every where you may see advertising especially on TV that were people get persuaded the most. Haven't you seen that new phone commercial on TV and you want it just because you saw it and now you want to have it. Advertising is very important in the TV and radio industry.
Taking Advantage of Opportunities
Take advantage of everything even the smallest things that you don't think are important because every opportunity won't come again. A teacher once told me if you get the opportunity to travel and go out of the state or even out of the country go for it because those experiences are unforgettable and you will learn a lot from them. Not only this but aren't you tired of the same routine seeing the same places everyday, going to school to work than back home again thats why its important to take advantage of any opportunity you get to change the routine in your life and learn and all the experience you get could come in handy in the future.
Baby Steps
I feel that sometimes I rush to much and I want to get stuff done quick but I've learned patience is the key rushing into things may lead you to making mistake so I've learned to be more patient and other should to. Being patient can avoid you getting angry have you ever realized every time you get impatient you start getting frustrated sometime you even end up screaming at someone who was just trying to help that why being calm and patient is the key take each step as you go without rushing.
Its Not where you Begin its the End that Matter !
Sometimes I worry to much about were I am now and how am I going to get to that place were I feel proud and that I have succeeded because I wonder everyday if the path I choose is correct. I chose to attend PG Community College when I could have gone to Bridgeport or Penn State and people tell me why did you go to PG. I chose it because I wasn't ready to make that big step and go to a four year college and I have no regrets I like the school Im in right now and look forward to keep growing and learning there. But I also want to experience new things so I do plan on changing to a four year college in the near future and I know it won't be easy but ill get their and accomplish my goals.
Public Relations and the Entertainment Industry
Today Public Relations specialist have an important job in making sure many hollywood important stars keep a good image. In today society their are a lot of people who are interested in what these huge stars are doing and sometime they slip and well thats were PRs come in they release a statement either clarifying or apologizing for what the artist did to avoid a bigger problem.
What is a Press Release ??
On my last post I posted a press release I did in class but before that I had never done one I didn't really know what it was either. So what is a press release ?? a press release is a written statement to the media. People release these statement for different reason like for intense, to announce something new, scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, new products and services, sales accomplishments or a feature story. Press release are very important part in the job of PRs.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Is This Really What I Want?
Everyday I ask myself if the major I picked is the right one for me and if its something I will be happy doing my whole life. And well I'm not sure I don't really know if the path I chose is the correct one I'm a very undeceive person. Thats why I always have doubts but I think thats part of life nobody is really sure what they will be doing 10 years from now but we have to start somewhere and in the end you don't know were you might end just don't give up and always keep learning.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Press Release
Watching YouTube Videos For Entertainment

By Mayra Castro-Melendez
April 1, 2014
Largo, Maryland - During your spare time sometimes you don't know what to do for entertainment go online open YouTube and watch some entertaining videos. On Friday April 5, 2014 let’s laugh entertainment will be releasing a very fun video for our audience to watch and enjoy.
About Are Video – Are video “Beat Your Feet” is one you cant miss its going to have a collection of very humorous videos and moments put together in one video of people praising the Lord dancing. Not only will it have very entertaining videos but also in the background the viewer will be able to enjoy the music of Grammy winner Pharrell Williams and his hit song Happy.
About Our Company – Lets Laugh Entertainment is a company that main goal is to make people laugh and of course to get the people to keep wanting to come back and watch are videos.
To check out our video on April 1, 2014 email or call lets Laugh Entertainment.
Contact Name: Mayra Castro-Melendez
Tel: (202) 515- 3020
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The What Ifs and Why ?
I always wonder if the major I picked is what I really want, if its the correct one, if I will become successful in this major, and if this major will make me happy. So many what ifs and questions that at the moment won't be answered. But then I ask my self why did I pick this major and their are a lot of positive responses that I have for why I choose public relations. Maybe right now I'm uncertain and a bit confused but hopefully in the future all these doubts about my major will be cleared away. But like they say you will never know if your good at something unless you try it. So maybe this is the correct career path or maybe its not but by the end of it I will discover if the decision I made was the correct one or if it wasn't.
Fear of Public Speaking
Today I realized how much I dislike public speaking and that for my major its part of the job. I had a big fear of public speaking it got to the point I even decided I wanted to change my major because I thought that if I had this fear it would be a big obstacle in my career. I was wrong because yes maybe I have a fear in public speaking and I'm sure everyone at some point was scared of speaking in front of people you don't know but you can overcome this fear and thats exactly what I plan to do I plan to overcome my fear in public speaking by facing it. In addition to this, I realized that if I would way the pros and cons of my major that public speaking would be the only con and trying to change my major would have been the easy way out but Im glad I changed my mind on time and decided to fight my fear.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Public Relations And Social Media
Today, social media plays a big part in the everyday life of an individual because most people are now getting connected through websites like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and many more social media sites. What does public relations have to do with that ? well many companies or people who have PRs working for them can use social media to release certain information they want others to know or if they are promoting a specific cause they can reach out to many more people they can do it though sites like Facebook or twitter. In addition to this public relations can work hand in hand with social media by monitoring the conversation with your brand online, sharing stories, creating a key message document, documenting interviews and putting up fun photos. Because today many people see social media as a credible source to get information from, since many people see information through social media before they even see it on the news.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Top Schools For Public Relations Major
Like I wrote in my previous blog some of the top schools to attend to major in public relations are located in New York, Austin, Atlanta and Los Angeles. For instance, New York city is one of the best places to be at if you major in public relation they have one of the most talked about well known, and prestigious universities in the country New York University. Another one of the tops schools to major to become a PR is the University of Southern California located in another one of the most well known states in the US. And the last school is the University of Texas at Austin one of the oldest and has top rank program in public relations. These are just three of the most well known Universities you should put on your list if you planning to major in public relations because their are a lot more great schools.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
I decided to major in public relations like I said before in one of the other blogs. So today I decided to look for the top locations for this major for then maybe in the near future I could move and maybe apply to a school where the major is strong. But first I still have to get my associates degree in Prince Georges Community College. OfCourse the strongest schools of Public Relations are located were their is a strong presence of the major like for instance Public Relation firms and other businesses where people will need PRs. Regions like New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Austin are just of few of the places were their is a strong presence of Public Relations and offer graduates placement and professional growth in the major. The regions mentioned above are also some of the biggest and most well known states in the country.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Difference Between Journalism and Public Relations
Journalism and Public relations are totally different but then again they seem very similar. one has news it wants to get out the other needs news to cover, even though it doesn't seem like it they have a relationship. Journalists intentions are to provide their readers and audience with accurate, reliable information they need to function in society. their are many different jobs in journalism like for instance researching stories, writing hard news and feature stories, shooting photographs and video and editing stories and so many other jobs. While Public Relations professionals are intended to influence public opinion and are designed to promote and protect an individual or organization's image and products like I stated previously in another blog. And PRs jobs are press releases, making contacts and media kits and many other jobs.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Working For The Government
2 weeks ago in class I learned that if you major in public relations you can work for the government. I already knew a little bit about it but now I discovered that PRs are very important in the Government for instance when the elections come PR specialists will be needed to respond to news stories and maintain an the Candidates reputation. In addition to this, the Candidates will need these workers to help them use social media effectively. And the PR jobs in the government are growing more because things are now easily spread through the internet and PRs will be their to clear up the rumors and keep their image looking good.
Monday, February 10, 2014
My Major
I'm majoring in public relations and I would like to find out as much information as I can about it because everyday I'm learning something new about the major and I love it even more. What is Public Relations ?? Its the Practice of managing and spreading information between an individual or an organization and the public. Or as I like to say in public relations your representing an individual or a company and making it look good even though its much more than that. The purpose of Public Relations by a company is to persuade the public, investors, partners, and employees to to have a certain view about what it represents, it products and decisions.
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